Time-factor for such integrations and differentiations has also played extremely important role along with the position of individual events in the entire series of sequential events.
Because of the date shift, the Earth's shadow will be about 11 degrees west in sequential events.
This protocol requires that three sequential events must be completed prior to surgical incision in order to reduce iatrogenic errors and postoperative complications.
"Outis" makes hamburger of the sequential event.
According to art historian Jeffrey Chipps Smith, the episodes appear as "simultaneous, not sequential" events.
Chain analysis is a form of functional analysis of behavior but with increased focus on sequential events that form the behavior chain.
Instead, we have a dizzy, jigsawlike patchwork of figures on a tipped-up millefleur ground, with sequential events scattered here and there.
The cell cycle is a series of complex, ordered, sequential events that control how a single cell divides into two cells, and involves several different phases.
It called the failure a "a coincidental series of sequential events that will most likely never occur again."
Also the eclipse qualities are less inconsistent because the moon is at different significantly positions in its elliptical orbit in sequential events.