Six women in pink sequined costumes do graceful ballet leg lifts and spins on one ski.
Last week, Alvin Bailey sat in the alley next to his East Flatbush home, beside the sequined costume he had created in three weeks' time.
Greta watched couples come out and perform acrobatic dances in sequined costumes that would catch the studio lights and flash on the black-and-white screen.
As workers assemble the displays -some two stories high - zesty, well-scrubbed narrators, dressed in sequined costumes, will rehearse sales pitches on revolving platforms.
Dressed in sequined skating costume, their shoulders swaying, they sauntered down a narrow hallway and gathered off stage right, waiting to go on for the holiday show's opening night.
Then the lights went up, and another performance of a sort took place as the dancers, still in their white sequined costumes, excitedly rediscovered former colleagues in the audience.
Under unexpectedly sunny skies, nurses and cooks, housekeepers and lawyers donned sequined and feathered costumes for the procession along Eastern Parkway.
"The winner was a cute little girl in a red sequined costume who twirled a baton."
In Brooklyn, the West Indian-American Day Parade brought out people in sequined costumes.
And it is something of a coup: the items, which include an elephant's sequined costume and several enormous pairs of clown shoes, have never been displayed before.