It was a serendipitous moment of real privilege.
And in a serendipitous moment for the vice president, his 11-year-old black labrador, Shiloh, wandered onto the veranda midway through the conversation.
But, alas, the Cinque Terre has become one of those places where you have to take a number to have your serendipitous moment.
My fascination and questions apparently made a serendipitous moment for him, too, as he wouldn't charge me and thanked me for coming in.
Like Mr. Feuer, we had a few serendipitous moments while lost among the streets and canals.
Our skimmer arrived at a most serendipitous moment.
Director Aaron Kim Johnston had a serendipitous moment in selecting the lead actor.
But we don't expect a repeat of that intense serendipitous moment.
What followed was one of those serendipitous moments in which the Camino seems to specialise.
But more serendipitous moments lay ahead.