In 1964 two physicists at Bell Laboratories serendipitously discovered a cosmic sea of microwaves.
Tablets, he added, "allow consumers to serendipitously discover and consume media in every room of the house."
In 1948, Mayall serendipitously discovered a type II supernova while conducting other research.
They then serendipitously discovered through animal experiments that a defect in the gene touched off an illness identical to the known human disorder.
Some have been discovered serendipitously in West Virginia.
Even prior to 1940, many such serendipitously discovered Cretaceous fossil sites were known.
The treatment was discovered serendipitously when the physician found that uricosuric drugs for treating gout also coincided with relief of fibromyalgia symptoms.
Local paleontology is known primarily for two serendipitously discovered dinosaur fossils.
In 2003, John Kanzius serendipitously discovered a way to burn salt water.