Due to deforestation in the name of development, however, the clean and serene environment of the region may be threatened.
Its calm and serene environment makes it an excellent setting for education and training.
With a natural stream flowing through the campus, it has a very serene, peaceful environment.
The serene, cool and green environment makes it conducive for academic work.
"Writers think they want a serene environment, but they seem to thrive in chaos," he said.
The school has good facilities with an added advantage of being situated in a serene environment.
Because of the ideal, serene, biblio-heavenly environment they have created in their store.
Through peaceful voices and calm interaction a serene environment in which children can pursue their work.
With a serene environment, especially the fragrance of osmanthus flowers all over, the campus is an ideal place for study.
Moderate weather and a serene environment make it an ideal place for settlement.