Appah Rao looked past McCandless, gazing up at the small light reflecting off the serene image of a Hindu goddess.
So much more serene an image than telling them you'd just run in from the morgue.
But then so much of what Houston does - on and off the court - counters his serene image.
Dianne Blell, a photographer, has taken sudden interest in sketching serene images of quiet lakes.
Mr. Whitman, more than anyone or anything, shattered this serene image.
He distorted and rearranged characters and strokes to produce striking and serene images.
For example, over serene images of the headache sufferer on her sailboat, an announcer intones a stream of warnings about not using Zomig if you have high blood pressure.
The notion of the institute publicly squabbling with a professor, much less taking him to court, is a striking break with its serene image.
According to Fishbaugh, these "serene" images "literally wowed them up north".
Within the traffic of many forms and colors, serene images spoke quietly, but they were as bright as enameled miniatures, and as lovely to recall.