Many years of serene life in virtuality.
However, he has a great deal of affection for the slaves on his plantation, and the role that they played in his serene, bucolic life.
So if he does not fight again, he has a more serene life mapped out.
Attachment, that is the inability to practice or embrace detachment, is viewed as the main obstacle towards a serene and fulfilled life.
Then he said: "If I could offer you a happy serene life I wouldn't listen.
This book is truly magnificent, a must for art devotees and those seeking a simpler, more serene life.
He was incredibly old, of course, and this was not his former serene life of pampered luxury.
And he to me, "Thy city which is so full of envy, that already the sack runs over, held me in it, in the serene life.
An afternoon spent with Taylor offered a glimpse into a serene life.
Ironic, to think of her outwardly serene life with her parents as a combat situation.