They drifted in serene silence while the landscape of the Earth slid by.
Asao Matasu had just closed his eyes when the trill of an intercom hail shattered the serene silence in his cabin.
The serene silence gave the desolate wonderland the air of a tomb, a paradise fallen.
The language of the inner life is a serene silence, a deep hurt, a boundless desire and, occasionally, a little laughter.
Chinthliss exploded, shattering the serene silence and frightening some little birds out of a sculptured bush near the porch.
In feet, she looks kinda... sweet When the croon had drifted offinto a serene silence, she sat without moving.
A shout tore the serene silence of the lake.
Great activity might have been observed in many of the rooms of Gormenghast as the hour of three approached, but the cool room waited in a serene silence.
He sat in meditative silence, gentle and serene, while an audience waited inside Agueybana Books.
Max is mesmerized by the experience of the cool water, and the serene silence beneath the surface of the ocean, but he leaves the deep diving to his friend.