While this would be a very slow and labor intensive process, research is currently underway to automate the collection and microscopy of serial sections.
To help correlate the clinical and anatomical findings, Dr. Kinney used a technique to generate three-dimensional computer reconstructions from the serial sections.
The sum of the four subclass proportions in serial sections from each tissue block was usually around 100% (range 94%- 112%).
Figure 2shows a typical panel from serial sections of one of the emphysematous diaphragm specimens stained with each of the monoclonal antibodies.
Ability to align and join multiple volumes such as serial sections.
Brain volumes were determined from serial sections using point counting and Cavalieri's rule.
The technique preserves the alignment of serial sections accurately enough to reconstruct neuronal processes and microvasculature.
This is much quicker than making serial thin sections for three-dimensional visualization of fabrics like void spaces or for reconstructing fossils in full relief.
These cells were probably lymphocytes, as similar cells in serial sections were found to be CD3+, CD25+.
He designed a device for aligning serial sections that enabled him to construct models of the developing skull.