It aired series mostly directed to teenagers.
The series directs action through hopeful energy by celebrating the best of the human spirit, transforming anguish into beauty.
Instead, Ms. Jhabvala strings together a series of telling vignettes, and James Ivory directs even the most caricatured glimpses with sophistication.
Your differential uses a complex series of gears to direct rotational energy to the wheels.
Tom Moore and Paris Barclay also made their series debuts and directed two episodes each.
A series of stories written and directed for the theater by Richard Foreman.
The series was the first British television series to be written, acted and directed predominantly by black artists.
Yet the sentience of the Borg is machine-based; a series of programs runs their ships and directs the individuals in their tasks.
In effect, they had created a series of blind spots directed towards their flanks, which just happened to be where doctrine called for sensor drones to be deployed.
Geller also wrote, produced, and directed for the popular Mannix TV series, which was twice nominated for an Emmy Award.