A series of large border busts, a short growing season, a bad crop, any number of things can drive the price of marijuana up.
In 2008, a series of damaging blows drove the Big Three to the verge of bankruptcy.
There's a lot of talk today about omni-channel, but a series of underlying factors are driving this experiential change for consumers.
A series of inexplicable experiences drives the wife to near madness.
A series of fierce Tory bayonet charges drove the over-the-mountain men back several times, but eventually Tory resistance collapsed.
Then, a series of inexplicable experiences drive Malini to near madness.
In 1529, an Ottoman army of a quarter million men camped outside the walls of Vienna until a series of torrential rainstorms drove them away.
The feedscrew (H8) is a long driveshaft that allows a series of gears to drive the carriage mechanisms.
Soon a series of blows "drove the length of siding outward another four inches.
Troy also wrote a series of children's books called Prickly Peter, and drove an open-top sports car.