Beginning in 1979 he embarked on a series of journeys to Europe, making contact with European artists and galleries.
He made a series of journeys through Africa, India and the Americas in 1882-1885.
The story involves an intricate series of time-travel journeys.
In 1878 Cahun set out on a fresh series of journeys accompanied by his wife.
The emphasis has been on bringing a largely unreported world to viewers through a series of journeys and encounters.
There now followed a series of short journeys between October 1944 and March 1945.
They were followed by a series of journeys which were not recognized as patrols.
This was the initial event of a series of journeys he took.
On his recovery, Middleton began a series of adventurous journeys around the world.
For the Scandinavian converts it was a whole series of journeys.