Those same men knew that the Prophet never suffered from any serious ailment.
After the children were taken from the home, medical examinations found no serious physical ailments, the authorities say.
He was so sick that the Giants' doctors tested him for more serious ailments, but the tests were negative.
Moon will see sideline duty because yet another coach is suffering from a serious ailment.
Paying more attention to those long-term issues would be the best medicine for today's less serious ailments.
Nearly 90 years old, he suffers from a number of serious ailments, Western intelligence agencies say.
A variety of serious ailments, including malaria, are common and go untreated.
The hospital has already ruled out other serious ailments, including tuberculosis and tumors.
Exercise, in addition to good nutrition, can guard against a whole range of serious ailments.
Still others cause "walking" pneumonia and other serious human ailments.