In the 1990s, Rankin developed a serious allergy to concrete, forcing him to wear latex gloves when handling the medium.
"Latex is everywhere in the hospital environment, and if someone develops a serious allergy, that is a huge impediment to a normal life."
A person with a serious allergy to shell food or peanuts could carry the device and test food for herself to be sure of its safety.
Note that, for more serious allergies, there are several breeds theorized to lack or produce less of the offending protein, see allergy to cats.
Helping Teens with Anaphylaxis Is your teen at risk for serious allergies?
Her medical condition deteriorated and she was eventually given medicine to treat serious allergies.
Comment: I developed a serious allergy that had lasted for several weeks.
People with serious allergies should carry injectable epinephrine.
Yes, these additives increase the risk of sometimes serious allergies, but perhaps the precautionary principle has been taken too far here.
"But he still needs - let's call them treatments for very serious allergies."