Yet among the variety of tapes now offered, the two new entries discussed here represent likely choices for serious audiophiles.
Broadcasters, musicians and serious audiophiles have long been consumers of high-end portable audio gear, but podcasting has created an expanded market for this equipment.
But among disk formats, which are capable of higher fidelity and therefore of greater interest to serious audiophiles, the CD is clearly triumphant.
A 1990 review in The New York Times said those distortions meant it "would not pass muster with serious audiophiles."
By bringing digital technology to home recording, DAT is bound to delight serious audiophiles, who can now match the sonic quality of CD's with their own homemade tapes.
The sound (as heard through a good pair of speakers) is altogether pleasant, though the amplifier's distortion rating of 1.25 percent would not pass muster with serious audiophiles.
To avoid this, serious audiophiles insist on high-powered equipment despite its considerable cost.
And you can go with the serious audiophile's black or grey or geek out with a more gorgeously garish blue or bright red.
At that time, a Linn Sondek LP12 turntable, Naim electronics and Linn loudspeakers was the preferred combination for many a serious audiophile.
When compact disks were introduced, market analysts believed that they would appeal mainly to a minority of serious audiophiles hospitable to technical advances regardless of cost.