He said the priority now was to prevent serious contamination to the area's water supply.
Of the 44 people with serious contamination, four have died and 28 remain hospitalized.
Those consequences could include serious contamination of the land and drinking water.
Third, there is no evidence so far of serious nuclear contamination or fallout.
The Superfund was created to clean up sites of serious toxic contamination across the state.
Later on experiments carried out by the army to support nuclear tests in Algeria caused serious contamination to the fort.
Consequently, the vegetables grown from such wastewater have serious bacteriological contamination.
We're continuing to find places where people just now are realizing that serious contamination has been left behind.
The report found that samples of seafood had shown "serious contamination" in many city harbors along the New England coast.
The information reaching us from Japan is, at times, horrific and terrifying, and shows that serious contamination of the country has occurred.