NO trip can be called an odyssey unless it inspires serious contemplation.
He studied as well as he could, spending hours in serious contemplation of colors and their meanings.
His mind turned from that happy subject to his serious contemplation of the murder of a fellow human being.
While humans often devote their daylight hours to trivial distractions, the night allows serious contemplation.
To judge Canada by the same standard, she appears to be a giant for her years, and well worthy the most serious contemplation.
This called for serious contemplation, and that meant a good brandy.
He leaned against Temeraire's foreleg, feeling very low; he had so far staved off with activity any serious contemplation of their circumstances.
Yet can also be a useful time for wise long-term planning, conserving energy, building up resources, study, serious contemplation of life and self.
"I see your quandary, Will," Picard said, then looked away, giving the matter some serious contemplation.
What serious contemplation are you in?