There has just been a serious controversy about building an extravagant structure for golf lockers.
More recently, the Crosstown project has come under serious controversy.
For several years following Khadr's capture in 2002, his case did not generate any "serious controversy".
The reservoir rise was complete in February 2011 despite a serious controversy regarding the resettlement of people.
This movie caused serious controversy upon its release in multiple countries during 2009.
For a while Plato balances the two sides of the serious controversy, which he has suggested in a figure.
This racism extended to rugby union, and the sport soon found itself involved in its most serious controversy since 1895.
But objections turned to serious controversy as the time neared, and eventually the agreement was cancelled.
The movie caused serious controversy when it was released.
Their failure to do so stirred a serious and violent controversy in Nigeria.