But that market is in serious disarray, a victim of defaults by several large companies this summer that unsettled investors.
So, even discounting Saleh himself, what's left of his regime is in serious disarray.
And yet the nation's food safety system is in serious disarray.
From Khuzestan he launched several campaigns into Iraq, where the Caliphate was in serious internal disarray.
It should not be assumed that the royal and princely feuds of this period necessarily brought the Northumbrian kingdom into serious governmental disarray.
Dingane directed the attack on the Voortrekker laagers, which plunged the migrant movement into serious disarray.
The proposal to spend millions of dollars to avoid 10 accidents in the next 20 years demonstrates that our priorities are in serious disarray.
The Ottoman state was now in serious disarray.
And behind those doorways is serious disarray.
The Chicago public school system, by virtually all accounts, has fallen into serious disarray, beset by violence, teacher shortages and inadequate budgets.