This statement may be colorful for a columnist but is a serious disservice to the nation, its history and its attitudes.
You are rendering your race a serious disservice.
This is a serious disservice to the public, which has a right to know the facts.
"To welsh on that promise will be a serious disservice," he said.
Yours is a truly lousy post and a serious disservice to other readers, some of whom may be particularly at risk from flu.
If they were, they would yank the viewer out of the story, and that would be a serious disservice to both.
I would like to correct a misconception in the story, however, one which does my profession a serious disservice.
Rebinders often discard it and thereby do the collector a serious disservice.
But would it not be a serious disservice to give Nakanokimi no hint of what she was think- ing?
But, the judge said, "You have committed a serious disservice, and the taxpaying and law-abiding community has every right to be protected from this."