Such acceleration under Linux is coming soon since the last update, but only AMD has made any serious headway so far.
The House has allocated just $16.8 million for the program, far short of the amount required to make serious headway against the hazards associated with bacteria, viruses and parasites in food.
The war in South Vietnam ground on and the communists were making serious headway.
The government has also made serious headway in policing the millions of shipping containers that enter the country every year.
"Next year, with the young kids blending in, that's where we're going to start making some serious headway," Ricciardi said.
The significance of that revenue hole grows in light of the failure of the budget negotiators to make serious headway on medical or pension entitlements.
A source said: "Mark has already made serious headway.
It is understood that this battle did however somehow break the back of the Dacian army and allow the Roman Legions to make serious tactical headway.
And we cannot ignore the fact that the only countries which have made any serious headway with the participation of women are the countries which had applied specific policies.
But Mr. Gore has struggled to make serious headway.