Within the ruling establishment, calls for decentralization and reshaping the political system are getting a serious hearing.
The first defense - that Mr. Irving knows the facts and thus deserves a serious hearing - need not be taken too seriously.
Dyannis lowered herself into the third, thinking the arrangement entirely too comfortable for such a serious hearing.
"But serious books get a serious hearing, as well as a funny one, on comedy shows."
ONE that is certain to get a serious hearing is scaling back the alternative minimum tax.
The interval had provided politicians and public alike the chance for a serious hearing of the scientists' arguments that no previous editorial writing had accomplished.
The nominee should be given a serious hearing.
Pity me not, but lend thy serious hearing To what I shall unfold.
That Mr. Kurzweil's theories are given a serious hearing is testament to his credentials.
Their fundamental problem with being given a serious hearing by voters is the same problem they have in many other areas.