The report said that more than one million children are at risk of serious malnutrition, and only 15 hospitals are operating in the entire country.
"There is going to be serious malnutrition in the city in the next 10 to 12 days," Carter said.
But food is running short, and aid officials say there will be serious malnutrition within 10 days unless something is done.
Widespread hunger, if not serious malnutrition, is likely in coming months unless the Government uses its dwindling foreign reserves for emergency imports.
The operation produced big weight losses but caused serious malnutrition and some deaths from liver failure.
Doctors have long known that serious malnutrition can weaken the immune system, making people vulnerable to many kinds of infections.
"What do you mean by serious malnutrition?"
The men were first hospitalized last Thursday after showing signs of serious malnutrition.
I saw children with serious malnutrition and in need of health care, as well as food and proper shelter.
We had expected to find serious malnutrition among the displaced, but didn't.