Migration to other tissues (visceral larva migrans), can result in cough, hematuria, and ocular involvement, with the most serious manifestations eosinophilic meningitis with myeloencephalitis.
The more serious clinical manifestations of West Nile virus include inflammation of the brain and the lining of the brain, leading to encephalitis or meningitis.
In total six out of 18 (33%) of the drug users who seroconverted in our cohort had serious manifestations associated with seroconversion.
Alexander maintains that this undercaste is hidden from view, invisible within a maze of rationalizations, with mass incarceration its most serious manifestation.
In its most serious manifestation, anencephaly, the brain fails to develop fully and a newborn dies within days.
Early recognition and treatment can usually prevent the more serious manifestations of rosacea.
Current supplies of VIG are limited, and its use should be reserved for treatment of vaccine complications with serious clinical manifestations.
It is the single most serious manifestation of a larger problem: the collision course between industrial civilization and the ecological system that supports life as we know it.
Violence against women is currently the most serious manifestation of discrimination against women and is a violation of human rights.
Their weakened immune systems also make them more susceptible to suffer unusual and more serious manifestations of tuberculosis, like meningitis, experts say.