They also found no serious missteps at the airport.
Without him, she could have taken some serious, dangerous missteps in handling the Verunans.
Failing to help develop the national power grid would be a serious misstep for the Bush administration.
A more serious misstep is that the mini-series shows glimpses of Rebecca herself.
The Bush Administration's first step toward an anti-recession policy is a serious misstep.
His only serious misstep was allowing it to happen.
They were functioning in a grey area, and there were all sorts of opportunities for serious missteps on either side.
Mr. Silver said yesterday that sidestepping the state's political process was the city's most serious misstep.
Yet the campaign rarely, if ever, missed an internal deadline, and it committed few serious missteps.
Perhaps she had made her first serious misstep only last night, by allowing herself to be led by pure emotion.