Nevertheless, it also conducts serious investigative reporting and often features lengthy interviews with important political figures.
We're looking for long-form, 2,000+ word "evergreen" (not time-sensitive) content or serious shoe-leather reporting on technology issues, and we want your pitches.
And, since newspaper column inches and minutes of air time are finite, serious reporting and analysis are elbowed out.
The magazine became a mix of celebrity and serious foreign and domestic reporting.
Both papers were accused by critics of sensationalizing the news in order to drive up circulation, although the newspapers did serious reporting as well.
Byte was a personal computing magazine aimed at technical professionals and others who wanted very serious, in-depth reporting on technology.
That was Nate and Peter (with Jacqui starting things off) doing some serious, in-depth, investigative reporting.
There was great resistance from male editors about hiring a woman to cover news or do serious reporting outside of what was considered women's sphere.
They talked about how he had crime stories and stunts but ignored its more serious reporting.
After all, serious investigative reporting eats up staff time and the paper's money.