The island is a magnet for fun seekers and serious shoppers, and it serves both very well.
The restaurants are crucial, because it is part of every serious shopper's strategy to recharge at just the right moment.
By 6, serious shoppers were starting to crowd in, and I was already exhausted.
Still, serious shoppers appreciate things that they can't secure themselves.
Like many other serious shoppers, Ms. Dominguez, 52, does much of her buying overseas.
But it will put a smile on your face, whether you are simply a computer nut or a serious shopper.
Pieces are sold by weight, so serious shoppers should know the going market rate for gold and silver and mind the scales.
Don't dress to impress; if you're a serious shopper, you'll want to have comfortable shoes and carry nothing to weigh you down.
"The serious shoppers come in January, in the snow, and knock on the window of your van at 5 in the morning," she said.
The butcher shop, bakery and deli in the back is where serious shoppers congregate.