But small groups of serious skiers with guides gave the refuge authenticity.
The people who were here were either really serious skiers, or didn't know better.
Last season, serious skiers headed West rather than ski in areas where snow levels were on the average 50 percent lower than in 1993-94.
The ultimate refuge of the serious skier is the back country, with its untrammeled snow and natural solitude.
Can a snow sport resort position itself as a family place and still appeal to serious skiers and riders?
That's plenty of piste for a gentle family holiday, but this is also a serious skiers' resort.
The serious skiers call this "blazing through the powder."
For very serious skiers wanting to stretch themselves to the limit over a week, definitely not.
Akrans, a serious skier, was inspired by sports events past and present.
Despite the town's reputation for stylishness, this is a place for serious skiers.