Two one-sided losses did more than send the Islanders into some serious soul-searching.
The Giants have had all week to do some serious soul-searching since the debacle in Dallas.
At Ted's Restaurant, a coffee shop that seems to be the town's social center, the incident is less the subject of gossip than serious soul-searching.
I would like to think that you are doing some serious soul-searching about who you are and where you can be happiest.
The agency is clearly in for some serious soul-searching.
But a night in jail, and the possibility of long-term imprisonment, forced Mr. Cohn to do some serious soul-searching.
I was going through some serious soul-searching.
Could this be just another set of computer games, or is this serious soul-searching?
And while she was recuperating, she did some serious soul-searching, asking herself why this happened to her.
"That has caused serious soul-searching by the community."