He had undergone periods of imprisonment; come close to serious physical wounding; had endured the deceptions of beautiful women.
But the timing is deplorable, the circumstances murky and the serious wounding of two U.N. peacekeepers indefensible.
Given his standing in the polls, Mr. Bush may feel he needs a defining event - like the serious wounding of Mr. Clinton in a nationally televised debate.
Several violent events followed during the summer of 2001, including the serious wounding of an innocent 37 year old bystander in a night club where the two gangs collided.
He became one of the first casualties of the war, suffering a serious wounding and medical evacuation on 9 August 1914.
It was observed above that most serious woundings involve the use of a weapon, and that may make it easier to establish intention.
Continue if you will, but I warn you, if there is a serious wounding, you will both be under my gravest displeasure!
A serious wounding, but not fatal.
The recent murder of three members of the Calderón family and the serious wounding of another exemplify the uncivilized savagery which has become a familiar feature of life in Colombia today.
A second serious wounding in September 1917 sidelined him for the remainder of the war.