The chief executive of Brent council said its social services department was "seriously defective".
The police work, it says, was "sluggish and shallow" and "seriously defective".
Others regard the revised rite as so seriously defective that it is displeasing to God, or even objectively sacrilegious.
Not that we have any grave genetic defects, of course, no seriously defective material would have been placed aboard.
In rare (and brief) instances, justified by overwhelming historical interest, Mr. Scarduelli includes material from a seriously defective source.
For all these reasons, the United States is better off having no treaty than a seriously defective one.
The Scania soon proved to be seriously defective and not of merchantable quality.
He also finds that Haack's account of vagueness "is now seriously defective."
At 03:36 30th Dec 2011, lorus59 wrote: Iain, I think you should take your crystal ball back for repairs as it is seriously defective.
"When you have a car that has so many safety recalls that it might fall within lemon laws, you have a seriously defective vehicle," he said.