Every country where the Leader has had total power has been seriously disadvantaged by it.
Women are at the bottom of the development tier and are seriously disadvantaged in education, health and access to jobs.
Most, if not all, of the more seriously disadvantaged areas have experienced a long history of marginalisation and of dependence on distant or alien authorities.
As orders increased for supercomputer applications, Weitek found themselves seriously disadvantaged by their fab, which was becoming rather "outdated".
Notwithstanding the program's apparent successes, some officials feel that the preferential treatment provided to job trainees deprives the more seriously disadvantaged from desperately needed assistance.
The finish was an apology for an attempt at goal, though the worry remained that missing the previous five games had left Gough seriously disadvantaged.
Likewise, new tenants have serious difficulty finding housing, so they are seriously disadvantaged if they must move.
"The housing industry could be seriously disadvantaged" by such moves, said David Hill, a home builder in the Chicago area.
Many young people will be seriously disadvantaged.
Those defendants awaiting trial in custody might seem to be the most seriously disadvantaged by delay and they do tend to take priority.