HLA typing was done by both serological and PCR-based methods as described.
It is done by serological methods like latex agglutination or slide agglutination.
It has proved very accurate; in monozygotic twins a correct classification is obtained in 99% as verified by serological methods.
Because the levels of resolution of the DNA-based and serological typing methods we used are similar, alleles detected by these respective methods provide concordant allele assignments, with the exception of B*70 and B*71 that were not detected by serological methods.
The use of precise serological methods of antigenic analysis had made possible the identification of organisms of the Salmonella group which had been isolated from material of animal origin at Wallaceville.
However, in clinical diagnostics labs it has been largely superseded by other serological methods such as ELISA and by DNA-based methods of pathogen detection, particularly PCR.
Antigenic relationship between Loboa loboi and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis as shown by serological methods.
Some serological methods are extremely costly, although when commonly used, such as with the "strep test", they can be inexpensive.
CrPV has been detected in a number of insect species from at least five different Orders of the Class Insecta, in both natural and laboratory populations, and is usually identified by standard serological methods.
Methods used in laboratory diagnosis include culturing of nasopharyngeal swabs on Bordet-Gengou medium, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), direct immunofluorescence (DFA), and serological methods.