It behaves as an agonist at most or all serotonin receptors.
New antiemetic medications are currently being developed based on these serotonin receptors.
Mexamine is a full agonist to several serotonin receptors.
In binding up with the serotonin receptors, sumatriptan acts like a sort of local anesthetic.
Celexa works on serotonin receptors, just as Maxalt can.
Its efficacies at other serotonin receptors remain to be determined.
Although new insights are reported almost monthly, scientists believe there are at least four, possibly more, distinct families of serotonin receptors.
The value of this increased knowledge about serotonin receptors is in identifying "cleaner" drugs that have few or no undesirable side effects.
When a gene for serotonin receptors is eliminated, the animals have a greater risk of anxiety.
In the latest study, scientists used brain images to peer at serotonin receptors in humans.