She did not display the strained vivacity she had shown in the hall, but now sat still, as a bird when a serpent eyes it coldly.
Fang has serpent eyes, a snake's tongue and large fangs filled with venom.
Where the villains, by God, never had serpent eyes, or sharp little yellow teeth, or rat like tails.
Its serpent eyes flashed, and it shrieked at Tommy.
A kind of fiery glow was replacing the harsh artificial light. . . coming from those four serpent eyes.
Four burning serpent eyes that lighted this chamber, the snake body seeming more polished, burnished and glistening.
The golden crown sat atop her head, and her flat, serpent eyes regarded her reflection in the glass.
Ivarr looked at me, his serpent eyes unreadable.
"Herzig, do you think they have a way of deflecting the serpent eye?"
Planned and carried through by the brain behind those serpent eyes.