The ceiling was not so high-not compared with Hephaestus's serpentine neck.
Dhamon noted at once that the head was attached to a long, serpentine neck.
The serpentine neck was supple; she had no trouble biting at her own back.
An ugly head lifted on a serpentine neck.
His immense black head lifted on a serpentine neck.
A toothy head on a serpentine neck rose from the water of the moat.
Then he gasped as a brown metallic head emerged, followed by a serpentine neck of the same bronzed color.
The man clearly saw its squat body and the silhouette of its serpentine neck.
His serpentine neck was long enough that he managed to perform this maneuver without moving his head from my grasp.
Above the breastbone, a serpentine neck curled, holding the head up among the shadows of the stars.