In birds, the major serum antibody, also found in yolk, is called IgY.
The presence of serum antibodies to parietal cells and to intrinsic factor are characteristic findings.
In subsequent steps, the binding of serum antibodies to specific HIV proteins is visualized.
On the grounds of epidemiologic studies, based on specific serum antibodies,H pylori was considered to be uncommon in childhood and to increase progressively with age.
Laboratory diagnosis is made with acute and convalescent titers of serum antibodies to Echovirus.
Also, there has also been the development of a bactericidal serum antibody in response to the diseases caused by M. catarrhalis.
In this variation, serum antibodies to the influenza virus will interfere with the virus attachment to red blood cells.
Recent functional studies indicate a further subdivision of labor assigning B1a cells as the precursors of natural serum antibody (7).
Natural serum antibodies play an important early role in the immune response to many bacteria and viruses but require complement fixation for effective antigen clearance.
High serum antibodies are found in active phase chronic autoimmune thyroiditis.