He then served as curate at the Cathedral of Sts.
He received his early education in his native town, and served an altar boy at the Cathedral of Cloyne.
In 1879, he returned to Albany to serve as assistant at the Cathedral.
He then served at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception until 1966, when he was sent to further his studies at Catholic University.
He is served at the Cathedral of Our Lady of Peace by the cathedral rector, in turn assisted by the parochial vicar.
She later served for many years as writer-in-residence at the Cathedral, generally spending her winters in New York and her summers at Crosswicks.
Following his return to Portland, he served as a curate at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.
Ball continues to serve as Bishop-in Residence at the Cathedral of All Saints.
Following his return to Rhode Island, he briefly served on a temporary assignment at the Cathedral of SS.
He then served as Archbishop Bayley's private secretary and an assistant at the Cathedral of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.