He served in this office for five years before being appointed secretary of the Commission on Citizenship.
He served as a judge on the High Court from 1990 to 1994 before being appointed Attorney General.
He then served for almost four years as general counsel to the Transit Authority before being appointed senior executive officer in May 1975.
Hall served terms on the foreign affairs and small business committees before being appointed to the House Rules Committee in 1981.
Bates then joined Saints board, where he would serve as a director for another 20 years before being appointed the club's president.
He served two terms and part of a third in the Senate before being appointed judge of the session court in 1833.
He served with a bomber squadron before being appointed personal assistant to the air officer commanding a training group at Cranwell in 1938.
He served in the capacity of assistant to the president for less than a year before being appointed president himself.
He served as a justice for 23 years before being appointed as a chief justice on August 16, 1944.
- Served as caretaker manager before being appointed permanently.