Buckley served in that role for one year before taking the head coaching role in 2011.
He served under eight managers before taking the reins himself between 1974 and 1977.
He subsequently served as ambassador to countries including Colombia and Cambodia, before taking his present post.
It would be surprising if the right of appeal depended on whether the local authority chose to serve a demand before taking proceedings.
He served as deputy editor for two years before taking the top editor's post.
They may serve drinks at home before taking friends to a restaurant, or they may offer dessert later.
Inghirami served on the order's galleys in the Mediterranean for some years before taking his first command.
Morelos served as priest of the town before taking arms.
He became president of the university in 1822, but served only a year before taking a leave of absence on account of poor health.
I know every girl in the Isles of Wak, for all are required to serve under me before taking husbands.