Since Turin is far from Rome, he requested a transfer to the University of Naples to capably serve as senator and still teach.
Throughout Emperor Wu's reign, Wei Guan continued to be an important official and general, serving in a variety of roles capably.
Brunnhilde served capably in this capacity for centuries.
Bella Abzug served capably in Congress but has become no less abrasive in 15 years out of office.
To attract our best soldiers to serve as advisers, Army promotion boards must be instructed to give preference to those officers and sergeants who serve capably in this position.
Burbank served capably at present.
I am confident that the collective financial expertise of Mark Page and John Banks will capably serve the public interest.
Officer Tippit served capably and was cited for bravery in 1956 for his role in disarming a fugitive.
He served capably during the Siege of Fort Mifflin where he was wounded again in November.
Lewis's replacement, Benjamin Howard, was a Kentucky Congressman who served capably from 1810 to 1813, particularly during the War of 1812.