He served diligently for roughly two years.
He returned to Provo, Utah on May 28, 1883 and continued serving diligently in other callings.
In any case, he always diligently served his current master, and often was able to restore a good relationship with former masters.
During this time he did not forgive his mother Kaikeyi, and diligently served Kousalya, Rama's mother, and Sumitra, Lakshmana's mother.
Our members care passionately about their work and remain committed to the best interests of the people whom they serve diligently every day.
I think it is time to fulfill the promise to support all the families of those who have so diligently served their country, whether in combat or in garrison.
But credit is due to the many jurors who serve diligently and cooperatively in rendering fair and impartial verdicts.
You hope for a good commander and serve diligently, and if he notices your service favorably, he'll see to your development and advancement.
THE paradox, then, is this: American waitresses take pride in doing work that they realize many people, including some they serve so diligently, put them down for doing at all.
The following year, he became a member of the Communist party, and served diligently in junior command positions.