The apothecary was a monster who, refused to serve anyone or anything except his own swollen, pride.
Whose agenda does it serve, after all, except that of the infected?
Wouldn't even have 'em to serve, except some of the senior rankers, they won't eat anything else.
And the dinner, served nightly from 5:30 to 9 except Thursdays, when the club is closed, offers four courses for $16.
Lunch and dinner served daily, except dinner only on Saturday.
What purpose do you serve except your own interests?
The road serves few businesses except a large waste disposal site in the Kipevu district.
Such racial stereotyping serves nothing except to feed an existing hate and fear.
Why should a doctor choose to serve any segment of humanity except the best?
Maybe you won't be serving anybody at all, except those Celestine yo-yos.