Leyritz served as a pinch-hitter more extensively toward the end of his career.
He served extensively in numerous units, including the Tactical Response Group.
He served extensively on the North West Frontier of India.
Like other Muslims in China, the Salars served extensively in the Chinese military.
Appointed a Midshipman in 1836, he served extensively at sea, receiving promotion to the rank of Lieutenant in 1849.
Blitz and Pfeil served extensively in various roles, including as flotilla leaders for torpedo boats.
The TB-3 served extensively as a cargo and paratroop transport, carrying up to 35 soldiers in the latter role.
Muslims served extensively in the Chinese military, as both officials and soldiers.
Women served extensively in the Cuban military, but machismo was still alive and kicking.
In her new career she served extensively in the Mediterranean, often as the Sixth Fleet flagship.