Wood served as Chairman for the United States House Committee on Ways and Means in both the 45th and 46th Congress (1877-1881).
Having served on Ways and Means for a number of years, I will say that holding one, let alone two, joint hearings with t..
Archer served as the chairman of the United States House Committee on Ways and Means from 1996 until the end of his political career in 2001.
During his two terms in the House, Houghton served on the Foreign Affairs and Ways and Means committees.
He serves on the Trade and Health subcommittees on Ways and Means.
In his second term he served on the powerful Committee on Ways and Means.
Black will serve on the Oversight and Human Resources Subcommittees on Ways and Means.
He served as chairman of the Committee on Ways and Means in the Thirty-ninth Congress.
He served on the International Relations and Ways and Means Committees.
Clay served as chairman of the United States House Committee on Ways and Means during the Ninth Congress.