They include a Bronx man, Alan Newton, who was charged with rape and served more than two decades in prison.
Mr. Howard, who served more than two decades in Congress, died Friday in Washington, a day after suffering a heart attack while playing golf.
He served three decades in the Minnesota legislature, twenty of those years in the Minnesota House.
Japan's top graduates go into government and rarely serve less than one or two decades.
Liberty ships continue to serve in a "less than whole" function many decades after their launching.
Eldrinson then served many decades as a Key to the psiberweb and became very popular among the common Skolians.
He served nearly four decades in statewide elective office, as Minnesota's Secretary of State and Treasurer.
Prior, he served two decades as an NYPD officer, retiring at the rank of lieutenant.
Government Boys Higher Secondary School is the one that serving many decades in Pattukkottai.
The Orange Bowl had served seven decades as the home of Miami (Florida) football.