They said they would start the channel once cable systems serving 5 million subscribers had agreed to carry it.
Orange owns 65.4% of the telecommunications market and serves two million subscribers.
Based on other recent cable acquisitions, the Storer unit, which serves 1.4 million subscribers, would fetch well over $2 billion.
Here, the Association maintained its 230,000 volumes to serve 3,000 subscribers.
Orga Systems currently serves more than 450 million subscribers worldwide.
The systems together serve more than 200,000 subscribers.
McCaw, which describes itself as the nation's 20th-largest cable company, serves 433,000 subscribers through 42 systems.
Enders Analysis serves some 150 subscribers, including companies and investors in the coverage sectors.
Such a behemoth would serve at least 25 million subscribers, or about one of every four of the nation's homes.
Swedish Cable, serving 220,000 subscribers and 725,000 homes, has systems that can carry 40 to 53 channels.