Meanwhile, the Iraqis who loyally served us are under threat.
She has been with me for many years, serving loyally not only me but my father as well, before he died.
But Donahue refused to challenge a man whom he had served loyally for nearly 16 years.
If they serve well and loyally, they may be knights in time.
It might provide a distraction, but your goal needs to be to protect yourself- and us, so that we may continue to loyally serve.
Train me in whatever you will, and I will serve loyally.
I served loyally, and I served to the best of my ability.
His fortunes are secured, and we rejoice at it; for no man more loyally serves the state.
"They are still being treated disloyally by the Army they served loyally."
After only playing one game in the 1959-60 season, Merrick retired to become manager of the team he had served loyally for more than 20 years.