The server also contains support for wildcard verb matching, so the same code can easily be used to handle multiple commands with similar names and functions.
Each server, called a "pBlade", contains one or more Intel or AMD processors.
While nearly any personal computer is capable of acting as a network server, a dedicated server will contain features making it more suitable for production environments.
One server from the U.S. raid contained 65,000 pirated titles which were alleged to be in the archive repository of the group.
Each server contains two six-core processors, for a total of 12 cores per server.
Each server has its own color, a different lay-out, and contains stores and shops.
The server will typically contain two or more tuners to serve several clients with different channels simultaneously.
Many online servers contain custom gamemodes which use the scripting engine supplied with Multi Theft Auto.
The latter two servers largely contained the damage by distributing requests to other root server instances with anycast addressing.
Nearly every desktop computer and server in use today contains one or more hard-disk drives.