The service is not intended for commuting and acts more as a tourist attraction due to its slow speeds.
Those called the 'Palestinian security services' are acting like the new oppressors and bringing the prisons back into use.
The service agreed with the finding, but then never acted on it.
In addition to hosting and playing games the service acts as a chat room with varied topics.
The Ritz is going to force all others to get their service act together.
This service would act as a complement to the Lifeline Program.
The service acts as an external IT department, handling all of the business' computer maintenance and technical support.
The postal service acted on complaints from all over the United States.
She believes the promise of employment and social services act as a magnet in attracting immigrants across our border.
It has taken Lespinasse a few months to get its service act together, and now things are running smoothly.